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•   Nancy Essary (Essary)  2/2
•   Sherri Walsworth (Haden)  1/1
•   Richard Jenkins  12/17
•   Dave Barton  12/1
•   Alan Tingey  10/25
•   Debbie Barraclough (Bush)  10/24
•   Steve Poulos (Poulos)  10/9
•   DeAnn Kirby (Eves)  10/8
•   Cheryl Margetts (Davis)  8/27
•   Joanne Griffiths (Smith)  5/15
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


•   Pam Brewer (Uecker)  2/12
•   Kathi Brown (Rosander)  2/13
•   Joyce Woodbury (Jones)  2/13
•   David Hammer  2/15
•   Susan Matheson (Lawrence)  2/15
•   Gene Dall  2/18
•   Todd Dixon  2/19
•   Kerrie Green (Mawhinney)  2/19
•   Brent Goddard  2/21
•   Walt Gregory  2/23
•   Mark Quilter  2/24
•   Richard Jenkins  2/25
•   Chris Caprin  2/26
•   Kris Webb (Neal)  2/26
•   Jane Hinckley (Dudley)  2/27
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 46.4%

A:   376   Joined
B:   434   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


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If you would like to help support this class web site and keep it running indefinitely, please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made with a credit card.

Welcome to the Skyline High Class of 1972 web site. Our goal is to provide an easy way to keep in touch with high school friends. 


Time Flies was the theme for our 50th Reunion. Now it has been a few years since that occasion and it seems like the clock just seems to tick a little faster nowadays! Hope you are all well. We hope that you will keep your profiles updated and share with the class what you have been up to. Also it would be nice if you know of anyone that may be struggling with either physical or emotional issues that we can possibly help. Just a visit or  call my be the highlight of ones day for some of us.

We can also help our Skyline High Students  with funds to further their education in many ways by donating the ‘Skyline Legacy Fund’. If all the classes that have attended Skyline over the years, we could raise tens of thousands of dollars. There is power in numbers.

Hang in there classmates. We have a ways to go!

Donation Link:

50 Year Reunion E-Book

How can 50 years go by SO FAST? Hard to believe, but here we are. We wanted to offer a simple way to share personal reflections and "attained wisdom" from the past half century.     

These questions might spark old memories or help you contemplate what is to come in the future. Please provide your names if you wish; responses will mean more if we know who offered them.  An E-book will be compiled with all responses and it will be added to the class website. We hope that this book of memories will be something to look back on in our Golden Years.  Heaven knows we've all earned a good long rest! 

Here are some ideas for personal reflections and "attained wisdom":

What would classmates be most surprised to learn about you since we graduated?

What achievement(s) over the past 50 years are you especially proud of?

How is your life now compared to what you expected when you graduated? Any big surprises?

Over the past 50 years, what have been your most memorable adventures?

What excites and/or concerns you about the future?

Who was the most memorable teacher you had at Skyline?  Why?

If you could talk to the 1972 you, what would you say?  

From your accumulated life experiences, do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to offer?



You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   Could you please compile your thoughts into a word processor type program and paste it in the box below.

You can also send your file to

Get Everyone in the Class of 1972 Online

All the senior classmates from the 1972 year book have been entered. Some people did not have a picture there. If you know of any classmates that are not on the class list, please provide the name and submit it through the 'Contact Us' link.

Do you know the email address of a missing Classmate? Enter it in the 'missing classmates' link and an invite to our site will automatically be sent.



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Log into 'Skyline High Class of 1972 Group Page' ( and help locate fellow classmates.

Classmate Forums

Please visit the 'Classmate Forums' Menu. This is a great place to post your memories, thoughts, questions and comments to your classmates.